Remodeled Love presents

The Reluctant Polyamorist


90 minutes, pre-recorded, intentionally captioned


with journal prompts

Lecture Slides

for your viewing pleasure


If you are one of the first 100 people to purchase The Reluctant Polyamorist (version 2), you’ll receive an invitation to a live Q&A + live group coaching call with The Daylovers and their resident Integrative Change Worker and Certified Professional Coach, Christopher Daniels.

Learn more about Chris at

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Earlybird Price Ends

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What You'll Walk Away With

tools for making the initial conversations and possible transition from monogamy to polyamory easier and less turbulent;

theory and exercises around building secure attachment to Self during the transition so that your one, true anchor (Yourself) remains secure;

clarity around your own boundaries and how to communicate them so that your relationship doesn't suffer unnecessarily during this unfolding.


People whose partners have shared curiosity about polyamory and it's freaking them the fuck out.

People who are curious about polyamory and it's freaking their partners the fuck out, and they want a better understanding of what their partner is experiencing and tools to navigate.

Someone who's not freaking out about polyamory, per se, but is unsure and seeking more guidance.

People who are currently single but curious about polyamory, and are willing to drop into the lens this course teaches from in order to glean some wisdom.

“I have never felt so seen as I did from this workshop. I’m so grateful to have words to describe my experience as ‘the Reluctant One’, and the empowerment to know where my boundaries are.”

2023 Workshop Attendee

“I’m the ‘Confident One’. My partner and I each took this workshop separately and it has cleared so much tension. We still have a long road ahead of us, and have begun working with Joe in the peer support space. I really love his teaching style.”

2023 Workshop Attendee
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Joseph Daylover

Educator, Author, Resident Zaddy @ Remodeled Love

Born a Philly boy, Joe attained his Bachelor's at UNLV and moved to Reno in 2005 for his Master's. Since, he has taught English at the college level to seemingly more evolved generations.

Ever since graduating with his Master's in 2008, Joe started a few Theatre companies, and has worked on numerous and various kinds of productions—many of them with Jessica.

As an enneagram 5, Joe loves to investigate the mysteries of the universe, individual potential, and relational possibility. He enjoys playing music, building community, and plotting schemes to dismantle systems of oppression. A radical at heart, a lover and a fighter, he's always down for a revolution.

Jessica Daylover

Educator, Storyteller, Mystic at Remodeled Love

a Jester of many trades, Jessica Daylover is an educator, author, entertainer, producer, mystic, and a queer, polyamous mother of two young children. Jessica has a Bachelor's degree in Sociology & Philosophy (with an emphasis in Metaphysics) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Certificate in LGBT Studies (2008). She has over 15 years of wide ranging (that's the AuDHD) spiritual trainings and education, and many certificates, which are all really just made up pieces of paper—her work speaks for itself. An entrepreneur of 20 years, Jessica is most well known for her social media platform, Remodeled Love. Her mission is to expand the cultural narrative on love, family, and parenthood. In 2023 she used her platform to successfully raise over $17,000 to launch an app called Nuclear Fusion, whose purpose is helping folks find, build, and sustain their modern village. It's a rigorous and humbling process, but damn she is honored to midwife this thing into existence.

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Christopher Daniels

Certified Professional Coach, Integrative Change Worker, Gay Nerd

like many gay, neurofabulous Geminis, Christopher has had, what feels like, several lifetimes that they will attempt to encapsulate in this bio. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2008), Christopher has a BA in Psychology, with a Certificate in LGBT Studies and Women's Studies. They are most proud that they are a Certified Professional Coach and Integrative Change Worker who currently works with individuals, groups, and organizations on emotional intelligence, nervous system regulation, and processing core wounds. They have completed certifications in restorative justice, integrative somatic trauma therapy, and yoga teacher training & energy work. They use their vast knowledge and flamboyant coaching style to create unique containers for embodied learning and empowered progress.

You have questions. We have answers.

Are the recorded videos captioned?

Yes, all of our recorded videos are captioned by our editor/producer (not by AI).

Can I take this course with my partner?

Though we highly recommend couples taking this course at the same time, we strongly suggest that you complete the journey separately, and then come together in the end to unpack and reflect (like a book club).

(We would also prefer you each bought the course separately, but hey, we leave that up to you.)

Will it this course be uncomfortable?

Yes. But what's the alternative?

Can I attend the live Q&A and group coaching call with my partner?

Yes, but we recommend attending from difference spaces (not in the same room).

Also, you can only submit one question per purchase of the course.

I'm the "confident one". How do I get my partner to take this course?

You can make a request and you can hold space for their feelings about it, but you can't make anyone do anything they're not ready or willing to do.

There is still much to be gleaned here taking the course by yourself, and we encourage you to do so.

What if I purchased this workshop last year?

If you attended our live recording of this workshop in April of 2023, just email with the email or name you purchased under, and we will send you the new version for FREE!

(That will not qualify you for access to the live Q&A + Coaching call, however.)

Were Ross and Rachel on a break?

Ross and Rachel failed to communicate clearly the boundaries of their agreement. So, though each has a right to their feelings about what happened, ultimately they need to take personal responsibility for the lack of clarity.

Early Bird Price ends 4/30

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